Missions21 is built for Missionaries

Every independent Baptist missionary has faced the challenge of raising support. The process hasn’t had an upgrade since the 1940s, until now…

*At this time, Missions21 is for U.S.-based missionaries only. Please refer to our terms and conditions or contact us. 


m21 for Missionaries

Packet after packet, phone call after phone call, email after email; the time, money, and frustration can mount quickly. You are working hard to get and keep your name in front of pastors and churches. Let us help!

Missions21 is the only place we know of where every time a pastor or church logs in, they are actively looking for missionaries to support. Let’s make sure they find you!









Multiple Tools to Keep You in Front of Pastors

We work hard to put everything a pastor needs to find, contact, and correspond with you, all in one place. 


Your m21 Profile

Once you fill out your basic profile information, including your name, continent, country, ministry type, field status, work type, and mission agency, becomes searchable by pastors and churches. When they click on you, they can see your missions video, recommendation letters, support level, your story and much more.


Your m21 Questionnaire

Your questionnaire is the chance for pastors to get to know you, your family, your background, your doctrine, and your philosophy in detail. This is what pastors want to see most so they can connect with you and your heartbeat.


Showcases and Special Tools
(coming soon)

We work hard to keep you on the minds of pastors. We host special events like virtual fellowship meetings and missionary symposiums to give pastors access to content that features you as a missionary.

Missions21 is completely Free to you!

Just like with salvation, Missions21 costs a lot, but it is completely free to you. We know that money can be tight for missionaries and pastors alike, so we never want finances to stop you from using this helpful tool. Missions21 is fully funded by generous gifts from missionaries and churches, and we’re committed to keeping it that way!

The RIght Choice

What Missions21 IS and IS nOT!


IS the best way for pastors to find you...

Building and maintaining a website can be a daunting task for missionaries. Missions21 allows you to keep your most current information in front of pastors whenever they are looking for you.


IS just for Independent Baptist...

Many websites that you find are ecumenical or have questionable associations. Missions21 was started by an independent Baptist missionary and only seeks to have independent Baptist missionaries and pastors join.

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Is NOT a mission board...

While our service is only for independent Baptist missionaries, we help missionaries from all of the major independent Baptist mission boards as well as ones that are sent directly out of their local church.

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Is NOT a church directory...

While there are services, like Independent Fundamental Baptist Missionary Trails, that give you access to church names and phone numbers. Missions21 is a directory for pastors to find and view your information, not the other way around.

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Is NOT a payment processor...

We leave the responsibility of handling funds to your local church or your missions agency. We do not process donations or funds for any missionary.

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We are so glad you want to join Missions 21!

Let’s get you signed up with some brief information.

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Thank you for your interest in signing up for Missions 21 as a missionary. Please provide us with a little more information so we can complete your registration.


Since you have a missions agency that is not listed on Missions21, we require that you fill out the doctrinal section of the questionnaire before being listed in the finder so that pastors can understand what you believe.

As a missionary sent out by your local church, many pastors may not be familiar with the doctrine of your local church. For that reason, we require that you fill out the doctrinal section of the questionnaire immediately upon joining Missions21, so that pastors can understand what you believe.

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Thank you for signing up for Missions21 as an individual and prayer warrior for missionaries around the world. Please provide us with a little more information so we can complete your registration.

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Thank you for signing up for Missions 21 as a deacon, committee member, or ministry leader.   Please provide us with a little more information so we can complete your registration.

This information is subject to manual verification by the administrators and staff of Missions21.

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Thank you for signing up for Missions 21 as a missions agency representative.  Please provide us with a little more information so we can complete your registration.

This information is subject to manual verification by the administrators and staff of Missions21.

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Sign Up Now!

Thank you for your interest in signing up for Missions21. Please provide us with a little more information so we can complete your registration.

(Please Remember: Missionaries will only see your basic information if you send them a message on Missions21 and will never receive your personal contact information from Missions21.  Missionaries DO NOT  have access to a directory of pastors or churches that are members of Missions21.)

PastorAssistant PastorMissions DirectorSecretary
FriendMy ChurchOnline SearchSocial MediaMailMissionaryOther

Missions21 is built for Missionaries

Every independent Baptist missionary has faced the challenge of raising support. The process hasn’t had an upgrade since the 1940s, until now…

*At this time, Missions21 is for U.S.-based missionaries only. Please refer to our terms and conditions or contact us. 


m21 for Missionaries

Packet after packet, phone call after phone call, email after email; the time, money, and frustration can mount quickly. You are working hard to get and keep your name in front of pastors and churches. Let us help!

Missions21 is the only place we know of where every time a pastor or church logs in, they are actively looking for missionaries to support. Let’s make sure they find you!









Multiple Tools to Keep You in Front of Pastors

We work hard to put everything a pastor needs to find, contact, and correspond with you, all in one place. 


Your m21 Profile

Once you fill out your basic profile information, including your name, continent, country, ministry type, field status, work type, and mission agency, becomes searchable by pastors and churches. When they click on you, they can see your missions video, recommendation letters, support level, your story and much more.


Your m21 Questionnaire

Your questionnaire is the chance for pastors to get to know you, your family, your background, your doctrine, and your philosophy in detail. This is what pastors want to see most so they can connect with you and your heartbeat.


Showcases and Special Tools
(coming soon)

We work hard to keep you on the minds of pastors. We host special events like virtual fellowship meetings and missionary symposiums to give pastors access to content that features you as a missionary.

Missions21 is completely Free to you!

Just like with salvation, Missions21 costs a lot, but it is completely free to you. We know that money can be tight for missionaries and pastors alike, so we never want finances to stop you from using this helpful tool. Missions21 is fully funded by generous gifts from missionaries and churches, and we’re committed to keeping it that way!

The RIght Choice

What Missions21 IS and IS nOT!


IS the best way for pastors to find you...

Building and maintaining a website can be a daunting task for missionaries. Missions21 allows you to keep your most current information in front of pastors whenever they are looking for you.


IS just for Independent Baptist...

Many websites that you find are ecumenical or have questionable associations. Missions21 was started by an independent Baptist missionary and only seeks to have independent Baptist missionaries and pastors join.

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Is NOT a mission board...

While our service is only for independent Baptist missionaries, we help missionaries from all of the major independent Baptist mission boards as well as ones that are sent directly out of their local church.

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Is NOT a church directory...

While there are services, like Independent Fundamental Baptist Missionary Trails, that give you access to church names and phone numbers. Missions21 is a directory for pastors to find and view your information, not the other way around.

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Is NOT a payment processor...

We leave the responsibility of handling funds to your local church or your missions agency. We do not process donations or funds for any missionary.

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Missions21 is built for Missionaries

Every independent Baptist missionary has faced the challenge of raising support. The process hasn’t had an upgrade since the 1940s, until now…

*At this time, Missions21 is for U.S.-based missionaries only. Please refer to our terms and conditions or contact us. 


m21 for Missionaries

Packet after packet, phone call after phone call, email after email; the time, money, and frustration can mount quickly. You are working hard to get and keep your name in front of pastors and churches. Let us help!

Missions21 is the only place we know of where every time a pastor or church logs in, they are actively looking for missionaries to support. Let’s make sure they find you!









Multiple Tools to Keep You in Front of Pastors

We work hard to put everything a pastor needs to find, contact, and correspond with you, all in one place. 


Your m21 Profile

Once you fill out your basic profile information, including your name, continent, country, ministry type, field status, work type, and mission agency, becomes searchable by pastors and churches. When they click on you, they can see your missions video, recommendation letters, support level, your story and much more.


Your m21 Questionnaire

Your questionnaire is the chance for pastors to get to know you, your family, your background, your doctrine, and your philosophy in detail. This is what pastors want to see most so they can connect with you and your heartbeat.


Showcases and Special Tools
(coming soon)

We work hard to keep you on the minds of pastors. We host special events like virtual fellowship meetings and missionary symposiums to give pastors access to content that features you as a missionary.

Missions21 is completely Free to you!

Just like with salvation, Missions21 costs a lot, but it is completely free to you. We know that money can be tight for missionaries and pastors alike, so we never want finances to stop you from using this helpful tool. Missions21 is fully funded by generous gifts from missionaries and churches, and we’re committed to keeping it that way!

The RIght Choice

What Missions21 IS and IS nOT!


IS the best way for pastors to find you...

Building and maintaining a website can be a daunting task for missionaries. Missions21 allows you to keep your most current information in front of pastors whenever they are looking for you.


IS just for Independent Baptist...

Many websites that you find are ecumenical or have questionable associations. Missions21 was started by an independent Baptist missionary and only seeks to have independent Baptist missionaries and pastors join.

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Is NOT a mission board...

While our service is only for independent Baptist missionaries, we help missionaries from all of the major independent Baptist mission boards as well as ones that are sent directly out of their local church.

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Is NOT a church directory...

While there are services, like Independent Fundamental Baptist Missionary Trails, that give you access to church names and phone numbers. Missions21 is a directory for pastors to find and view your information, not the other way around.

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Is NOT a payment processor...

We leave the responsibility of handling funds to your local church or your missions agency. We do not process donations or funds for any missionary.

Show Terms of Service

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Which best describes you?

Pastor/Pastoral Staff: Choose this option if you will use Missions21 on behalf of the pastor (e.g. assistant, secretary etc.)
Missions Committee Member/Deacon: Only for deacons or members of missions committees.