Missions21 is unique…

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Missions21 is unique…

But when something is unique, people wonder why it is even necessary. Isn’t the way we have always done it good enough? Is there really a need for something different?

When it comes to independent Baptist missions, the answer is yes. There is massive need for new tools to help us to do the work more efficiently and effectively, because the growth of our workforce is not keeping up with world population growth. Which means that there continue to be more people to reach and less people to reach them.

There are some things that cannot change when it comes to how we do missions, because the way we do them is Biblical and the Bible does not change. As efficient as it might be to send all of our money to a central clearing house and let them hire missionaries, that is not Biblical. The goal is not just to “get missionaries to the field” but also to encourage the average church member to involve themselves in the work of global evangelization.

But what are some of the things that should change? For one thing, the method that we use to find missionaries could use a 21 century upgrade. For over 70 years the method of find missionaries has remained the same, while everything else around it has advanced significantly. Imagine using a TV from the 1950’s or driving a car from the 1950’s. It’s not that they weren’t good, but there have been many advancements since then. Back in the 50’s missionaries mailed packets to churches and then made phone calls to pastors. In 2023, they are still doing the same thing. The problem is that now those packets can cost as much as $4.00 each to mail and pastors use their cell phones and hardly ever answer church phones any more. This means that the missionary is stuck banging their proverbial heads against the wall. It is not just a problem for missionaries, it is a problem for churches as well.

The problem for churches is that they don’t necessarily see the best missionaries that mesh well with your churches vision and missions program, they just see the ones that happened to get through. Pastors choose between “the ones that they got (packets for)” instead of “the ones that they want (that fit their church).” Missions21 helps to address that issue by putting the information for every missionary right at your fingertips. No more calling missions agencies to see who they have available. No more playing eenie-meenie-miney-moe with your missions program. By using Missions21, you can “Find the right missionary, right now.”  

Missions21 is unique…