About Us

About Us

world map missionaries

Missions21 was started by a pastor wanting to help other pastors and missionary wanting to help other missionaries. They just happen to be the same person. After spending seven years as a pastor of an independent Baptist, missionary supporting church in North Carolina; God called Dr. Leland Johnson to the mission field of Brazil. While God allowed them to see tremendous success on deputation by reaching 100% in just over one year, God also allowed them to meet many missionaries who were struggling. Even after spending over eight years on the field, God never took the burden to help other missionaries away.

While on a medical furlough dealing with serious family medical issues, God finally gave the green light for Missions21. Because a person who has been both a pastor and church-planting missionary designed the site, the site can meet the needs of both pastors looking for missionaries to support and missionaries looking for churches to support them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Every independent Baptist missionary has faced the challenge of raising support. The process hasn’t had an upgrade since the 1940s until now.

Is this service really free? Will you ever charge?

No, it is not free. This service is very costly to operate.

We have chosen not to charge because we do not want a single missionary or pastor to miss out because of a lack of finances. We encourage pastors and churches to consider taking on Mission21 as a part of their missions budget or as a once a year offering to help offset the operation costs.

Lord willing, we will never charge missionaries or pastors to use this service.

God is working all around the world. There are missionaries being sent out by many countries across the globe, not just the United States of America. However,  we designed Missions21 to help U.S.-based missionaries connect with pastors in the United States. Because Missions21 is based in the U.S., we cannot verify the legitimacy of ministries in different countries. They may be legitimate, but we cannot verify them. 

Please refer to the eligibility requirements as listed below and in our terms of service for more information. 

Eligibility Requirements

Missions21 is a platform designed to facilitate connections between United States-based pastors and missionaries actively raising support within the United States. While U.S. citizenship is not mandatory, all missionaries must have a verifiable “base of operations” within the United States.

A base of operations is defined as the ability to actively visit, solicit financial support, and to have legal standing to receive it within the United States (demonstrated by the possession of a social security number or tax-payer identification number). We also require an affiliation with a sending church or missions board located within the U.S.

Failure to provide verifiable information regarding the sending church or missions board may result in temporary account deactivation pending further investigation. If a base of operations within the United States cannot be confirmed, the account will be permanently deactivated and deleted.

Note: While Missions21 acknowledges and respects the valuable Christian work conducted globally, this platform is specifically designed to serve the needs of U.S.-based pastors and missionaries.

No! Absolutely not!

Mission boards are helps organizations that assist local churches in getting missionaries to the field. Missions21 is a service that aggregates missionary information and helps to connect missionaries and pastors. We are not a mission board. We are not a church. We are simply a technology service to help get missionaries to the field faster than ever before.

Missions21 was not started by a mission board and is not affiliated with any specific mission board.

No! Absolutely not!

Supporting the missionaries financially is the job of churches, many times assisted by mission boards. We do not process funds for missionaries and we do not involve or insert ourselves into any process carried out by the church or the mission board. We are strictly in place to upgrade the process of raising support by using 21st-century technology.

While Missions21 is a registered organization with the government, it is not a 501c3. Missions21 is set up as a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Setting up a 501c3 is expensive to do and to maintain. The government has very strict requirements for these organizations, especially when they are not a church. We cannot register in this way at this time.

However, if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Missions21, please contact us. We have a legal method to receive a tax-deductible donation to help Missions21 continue to get missionaries to the field faster than ever before.

Thank you so much for asking this question. We want to keep this service free forever, but we also need to pay for the service and develop new features.


You can give online via PayPal using a credit or debit card by following this link:




You can also mail a check to our mailing address: 


9805 Statesville Road Suite 6535

Charlotte, NC 28269 


Please note that while Missions21 is a registered organization with the government, it is not a 501c3. A 501c3 is expensive to set up and maintain. We cannot do this at this time. If you need your gift to be tax deductible, please contact us. We have a different method to receive a tax deductible donation.

The support raising process for missionaries has not changed since about the 19th century. The 21 in Missions21 stands for the 21st century, not for the year 2021. We pray that Jesus returns before the 22nd century, therefore we are not planning for a Missions22.





Mailing Address

9805 Statesville Road Suite 6535 Charlotte, NC 28269

Please use the form below

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Thank you for your interest in signing up for Missions 21 as a missionary. Please provide us with a little more information so we can complete your registration.


Since you have a missions agency that is not listed on Missions21, we require that you fill out the doctrinal section of the questionnaire before being listed in the finder so that pastors can understand what you believe.

As a missionary sent out by your local church, many pastors may not be familiar with the doctrine of your local church. For that reason, we require that you fill out the doctrinal section of the questionnaire immediately upon joining Missions21, so that pastors can understand what you believe.

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Thank you for signing up for Missions21 as an individual and prayer warrior for missionaries around the world. Please provide us with a little more information so we can complete your registration.

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Thank you for signing up for Missions 21 as a deacon, committee member, or ministry leader.   Please provide us with a little more information so we can complete your registration.

This information is subject to manual verification by the administrators and staff of Missions21.

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Thank you for signing up for Missions 21 as a missions agency representative.  Please provide us with a little more information so we can complete your registration.

This information is subject to manual verification by the administrators and staff of Missions21.

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Thank you for your interest in signing up for Missions21. Please provide us with a little more information so we can complete your registration.

(Please Remember: Missionaries will only see your basic information if you send them a message on Missions21 and will never receive your personal contact information from Missions21.  Missionaries DO NOT  have access to a directory of pastors or churches that are members of Missions21.)

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About Us

About Us

world map missionaries

Missions21 was started by a pastor wanting to help other pastors and missionary wanting to help other missionaries. They just happen to be the same person. After spending seven years as a pastor of an independent Baptist, missionary supporting church in North Carolina; God called Dr. Leland Johnson to the mission field of Brazil. While God allowed them to see tremendous success on deputation by reaching 100% in just over one year, God also allowed them to meet many missionaries who were struggling. Even after spending over eight years on the field, God never took the burden to help other missionaries away.

While on a medical furlough dealing with serious family medical issues, God finally gave the green light for Missions21. Because a person who has been both a pastor and church-planting missionary designed the site, the site can meet the needs of both pastors looking for missionaries to support and missionaries looking for churches to support them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Every independent Baptist missionary has faced the challenge of raising support. The process hasn’t had an upgrade since the 1940s until now.

Is this service really free? Will you ever charge?

No, it is not free. This service is very costly to operate.

We have chosen not to charge because we do not want a single missionary or pastor to miss out because of a lack of finances. We encourage pastors and churches to consider taking on Mission21 as a part of their missions budget or as a once a year offering to help offset the operation costs.

Lord willing, we will never charge missionaries or pastors to use this service.

Why U.S.-based missionaries only?

God is working all around the world. There are missionaries being sent out by many countries across the globe, not just the United States of America. However,  we designed Missions21 to help U.S.-based missionaries connect with pastors in the United States. Because Missions21 is based in the U.S., we cannot verify the legitimacy of ministries in different countries. They may be legitimate, but we cannot verify them. 

Please refer to the eligibility requirements as listed below and in our terms of service for more information. 

Eligibility Requirements

Missions21 is a platform designed to facilitate connections between United States-based pastors and missionaries actively raising support within the United States. While U.S. citizenship is not mandatory, all missionaries must have a verifiable “base of operations” within the United States.

A base of operations is defined as the ability to actively visit, solicit financial support, and to have legal standing to receive it within the United States (demonstrated by the possession of a social security number or tax-payer identification number). We also require an affiliation with a sending church or missions board located within the U.S.

Failure to provide verifiable information regarding the sending church or missions board may result in temporary account deactivation pending further investigation. If a base of operations within the United States cannot be confirmed, the account will be permanently deactivated and deleted.

Note: While Missions21 acknowledges and respects the valuable Christian work conducted globally, this platform is specifically designed to serve the needs of U.S.-based pastors and missionaries.

Is Missions21 a mission board?

No! Absolutely not!

Mission boards are helps organizations that assist local churches in getting missionaries to the field. Missions21 is a service that aggregates missionary information and helps to connect missionaries and pastors. We are not a mission board. We are not a church. We are simply a technology service to help get missionaries to the field faster than ever before.

Missions21 was not started by a mission board and is not affiliated with any specific mission board.

Can I support missionaries through your site?

No! Absolutely not!

Supporting the missionaries financially is the job of churches, many times assisted by mission boards. We do not process funds for missionaries and we do not involve or insert ourselves into any process carried out by the church or the mission board. We are strictly in place to upgrade the process of raising support by using 21st-century technology.

Is Missions21 a 501c3 organization?

While Missions21 is a registered organization with the government, it is not a 501c3. Missions21 is set up as a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Setting up a 501c3 is expensive to do and to maintain. The government has very strict requirements for these organizations, especially when they are not a church. We cannot register in this way at this time.

However, if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Missions21, please contact us. We have a legal method to receive a tax-deductible donation to help Missions21 continue to get missionaries to the field faster than ever before.

How can I help support Missions21?

Thank you so much for asking this question. We want to keep this service free forever, but we also need to pay for the service and develop new features.


You can give online via PayPal using a credit or debit card by following this link:




You can also mail a check to our mailing address: 


9805 Statesville Road Suite 6535

Charlotte, NC 28269 


Please note that while Missions21 is a registered organization with the government, it is not a 501c3. A 501c3 is expensive to set up and maintain. We cannot do this at this time. If you need your gift to be tax deductible, please contact us. We have a different method to receive a tax deductible donation.

Why Missions21? Will there be a Missions22?

The support raising process for missionaries has not changed since about the 19th century. The 21 in Missions21 stands for the 21st century, not for the year 2021. We pray that Jesus returns before the 22nd century, therefore we are not planning for a Missions22.





Mailing Address

9805 Statesville Road Suite 6535 Charlotte, NC 28269

Please use the form below

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About Us

About Us

world map missionaries

Missions21 was started by a pastor wanting to help other pastors and missionary wanting to help other missionaries. They just happen to be the same person. After spending seven years as a pastor of an independent Baptist, missionary supporting church in North Carolina; God called Dr. Leland Johnson to the mission field of Brazil. While God allowed them to see tremendous success on deputation by reaching 100% in just over one year, God also allowed them to meet many missionaries who were struggling. Even after spending over eight years on the field, God never took the burden to help other missionaries away.

While on a medical furlough dealing with serious family medical issues, God finally gave the green light for Missions21. Because a person who has been both a pastor and church-planting missionary designed the site, the site can meet the needs of both pastors looking for missionaries to support and missionaries looking for churches to support them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Every independent Baptist missionary has faced the challenge of raising support. The process hasn’t had an upgrade since the 1940s until now.

Is this service really free? Will you ever charge?

No, it is not free. This service is very costly to operate.

We have chosen not to charge because we do not want a single missionary or pastor to miss out because of a lack of finances. We encourage pastors and churches to consider taking on Mission21 as a part of their missions budget or as a once a year offering to help offset the operation costs.

Lord willing, we will never charge missionaries or pastors to use this service.

Why U.S.-based missionaries only?

God is working all around the world. There are missionaries being sent out by many countries across the globe, not just the United States of America. However,  we designed Missions21 to help U.S.-based missionaries connect with pastors in the United States. Because Missions21 is based in the U.S., we cannot verify the legitimacy of ministries in different countries. They may be legitimate, but we cannot verify them. 

Please refer to the eligibility requirements as listed below and in our terms of service for more information. 

Eligibility Requirements

Missions21 is a platform designed to facilitate connections between United States-based pastors and missionaries actively raising support within the United States. While U.S. citizenship is not mandatory, all missionaries must have a verifiable “base of operations” within the United States.

A base of operations is defined as the ability to actively visit, solicit financial support, and to have legal standing to receive it within the United States (demonstrated by the possession of a social security number or tax-payer identification number). We also require an affiliation with a sending church or missions board located within the U.S.

Failure to provide verifiable information regarding the sending church or missions board may result in temporary account deactivation pending further investigation. If a base of operations within the United States cannot be confirmed, the account will be permanently deactivated and deleted.

Note: While Missions21 acknowledges and respects the valuable Christian work conducted globally, this platform is specifically designed to serve the needs of U.S.-based pastors and missionaries.

Is Missions21 a mission board?

No! Absolutely not!

Mission boards are helps organizations that assist local churches in getting missionaries to the field. Missions21 is a service that aggregates missionary information and helps to connect missionaries and pastors. We are not a mission board. We are not a church. We are simply a technology service to help get missionaries to the field faster than ever before.

Missions21 was not started by a mission board and is not affiliated with any specific mission board.

Can I support missionaries through your site?

No! Absolutely not!

Supporting the missionaries financially is the job of churches, many times assisted by mission boards. We do not process funds for missionaries and we do not involve or insert ourselves into any process carried out by the church or the mission board. We are strictly in place to upgrade the process of raising support by using 21st-century technology.

Is Missions21 a 501c3 organization?

While Missions21 is a registered organization with the government, it is not a 501c3. Missions21 is set up as a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Setting up a 501c3 is expensive to do and to maintain. The government has very strict requirements for these organizations, especially when they are not a church. We cannot register in this way at this time.

However, if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Missions21, please contact us. We have a legal method to receive a tax-deductible donation to help Missions21 continue to get missionaries to the field faster than ever before.

How can I help support Missions21?

Thank you so much for asking this question. We want to keep this service free forever, but we also need to pay for the service and develop new features.


You can give online via PayPal using a credit or debit card by following this link:




You can also mail a check to our mailing address: 


9805 Statesville Road Suite 6535

Charlotte, NC 28269 


Please note that while Missions21 is a registered organization with the government, it is not a 501c3. A 501c3 is expensive to set up and maintain. We cannot do this at this time. If you need your gift to be tax deductible, please contact us. We have a different method to receive a tax deductible donation.

Why Missions21? Will there be a Missions22?

The support raising process for missionaries has not changed since about the 19th century. The 21 in Missions21 stands for the 21st century, not for the year 2021. We pray that Jesus returns before the 22nd century, therefore we are not planning for a Missions22.





Mailing Address

9805 Statesville Road Suite 6535 Charlotte, NC 28269

Please use the form below

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Which best describes you?

Pastor/Pastoral Staff: Choose this option if you will use Missions21 on behalf of the pastor (e.g. assistant, secretary etc.)
Missions Committee Member/Deacon: Only for deacons or members of missions committees.

We are so glad you want to join Missions 21!

Let’s get you signed up with some brief information.