Welcome to Missions21
Finding the right independent Baptist missionaries that fit with your church’s philosophy, vision, and style is now easier and faster than ever using Missions21.
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0 billion
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Unreached People Groups
Languages Without A Bible





With Missions21 You Can Save Time and Money by:

Filtering missionaries by ministry type, support level, country and more…

Vetting missionaries based on your doctrine and standards.

Seeing missionaries for who they are, not how good their video editor was.

Contacting a missionary with no pressure and no need for a phone call.

Keeping your information private until you have messaged a missionary.

Seeing exclusive missionary content.

Finding the perfect missionary to fit your ministry!
Start Searching for Missionaries
Right Now!
The process of getting missionaries to the field has traditionally been both inefficient and expensive. Let’s change that, starting today.
Missions21 helps you connect...
The process of getting missionaries to the field has traditionally been both inefficient and expensive. But we can change that,
starting today!

We have missionaries from almost all the major independent Baptist mission agencies all in one place.

View videos, prayer letters, testimonies, and recommendation letters all in one place.

Keep your information private until you reach out to a missionary.

By keeping Missions21 free, we can help all missionaries and pastors.
Search, Review, Connect using Missions21
Missions21 gives you access to all the tools you need to filter and find the right missionaries for your ministry.

m21 Missionary Finder
The missionary finder allows you to search for missionaries by all kinds of criteria, including continent, country, mission agencies, support levels, and new features are being added all the time. In the future you will be able to search by sending pastors, recommending pastors, and by colleges.

m21 Questionnaire
You no longer need to guess on key issues. Most missionaries on m21 have painstakingly worked to complete a 75-question questionnaire that gives insight into their doctrine, methodology, testimony, mission, and much more.

m21 Special Events
When you join m21, you get access to special events like our virtual fellowship meeting, which allows you the opportunity to connect with dozens of missionaries all in one place at one time. Also, you get access to special content like our “Talk to the Pastor” interviews with missionaries and our “Missionary Symposiums”.
Get Started Today with Mission 21.
You can’t completely fulfill the Great Commission without the help of missionaries. But finding the right missionaries that fit your ministry’s needs doesn’t have to be difficult. Let’s get more missionaries to the field faster than ever using Missions21.
What Others are Saying...
"Missions21 is an idea that I thought of years ago, but never had the resources or know how to put together. I am behind it 100%."
Pastor in Texas
"Missions21 is one of the best ideas anyone has had in a long time."
Pastor - North Carolina
"The biggest problem that Missions21 is going to face is getting pastors to understand just how valuable of a tool it actually is."
Pastor in Virginia
"Missions21 has helped me book meetings with pastors that I did not even know to contact. It has been a tremendous blessing."
Missionary to Korea